wudijo: Diablo 4 – My Favorite Build For Season 4: Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue

Discover wudijo's favorite build for Season 4 in Diablo 4, featuring the Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue.

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Griot the NPC

Diablo 4 players are in for a treat with wudijo’s favorite build for Season 4: the Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue. This build offers solid damage output and tons of crowd control, making it a versatile choice for all types of content. The main combo of the build revolves around the death trap mechanic, allowing players to reset traps and unleash a barrage of poison arrows. The build progresses from a standard setup to an ultimate version with the Starless Skies aspect, providing even more damage and mobility.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Favorite build for Season 4: Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue
  • Main combo revolves around death trap mechanic and poison arrows
  • Progression from standard setup to ultimate version with Starless Skies
  • Offers solid damage output and crowd control

Build Overview:

Diablo 4 players looking for a powerful and fun build for Season 4 should consider the Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue. This build allows players to continuously shoot poison arrows, thanks to the combination of poison imbuement and barrage. The death trap mechanic provides additional crowd control, making it easier to navigate through challenging content. The build progresses from a standard setup to an ultimate version with the Starless Skies aspect, which enhances damage and mobility.

Standard Setup:

The standard setup for the Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue includes using the exposure passive to reset traps and the poison imbuement together with barrage. This combination allows players to shoot multiple poison arrows rapidly, dealing significant damage to enemies. The build also includes crowd control abilities such as smoke grenade and concealment, making it easier to handle large groups of enemies. Energy management is crucial in this build, as barrage spam requires a lot of energy. Players can use abilities like TBot Will and preparation to replenish energy and reset cooldowns.

Ultimate Version with Starless Skies:

The ultimate version of the Poison Barrage Death Trap Rogue build incorporates the Starless Skies aspect, which drastically reduces the energy cost of barrage. This allows players to sustain barrage spam without relying heavily on energy recovery. The ultimate version also introduces additional mobility skills like dash and shadow step, making it easier to navigate the game world. Players can further optimize the build with specific tempo mods and legendary notes that enhance poison damage and survivability.