Why Warzone Players Are Still Using Mice Instead of Ragnoks

Discover why some Warzone players prefer using a mouse over a Ragnok for their gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are divided over the choice between a mouse and a Ragnok for gaming. Here’s a peek into the ongoing debate…


  • Despite its ergonomic design, the Ragnok is criticized for being unstable during gameplay.
  • Some players feel the Ragnok disrupts muscle memory, affecting their overall performance.
  • Concerns about durability and design aesthetics have led to mixed reactions towards the Ragnok in the gaming community.

Player Perspectives

Many players express skepticism about the Ragnok’s stability, fearing it might hinder their aiming precision. Rover_G notes that it appears prone to tilt/roll, impacting quick flick movements.

SnooMacarons9283 highlights the ergonomic angles of the Ragnok but mentions it’s harder to aim with compared to a traditional mouse due to these unique features.

On the other hand, DmTrillz adopts the ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ mentality, emphasizing the preference for the familiarity and functionality of a standard mouse.

Product Concerns

While Psilocybin13 humorously likens using the Ragnok to feeling like a caveman with a primitive tool, concerns about its build quality echo in the community. Human_Neighborhood71 points out the perceived cheap craftsmanship and potential durability issues.

Beefstyle’s light-hearted response, ‘Lol you are funny,’ suggests a mix of amusement and bemusement at the Ragnok’s unconventional design.

Arroncoot acknowledges the convenience of a mouse but highlights the practicality and versatility that a mouse offers compared to the Ragnok for Warzone gaming sessions.

Closing Thoughts

The debate between using a mouse versus a Ragnok in Warzone reflects the gaming community’s diverse preferences and concerns regarding performance, durability, and comfort. As technology continues to evolve, players navigate these choices with a blend of skepticism, curiosity, and loyalty to their tried-and-true gaming tools.