Why Valorant Players are Divided on Clove’s Ult – A Closer Look

Valorant players are debating the usefulness of Clove's Ult - is it a game-changer or a risky move? Dive into the heated discussions here!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players have strong opinions on Clove’s Ult. From epic comebacks to frustrating defeats, the community is split on its impact. Dive into the debate below!


  • Players have mixed feelings about Clove’s Ult, with some finding clever uses for it and others facing challenges.
  • The Ult’s impact varies depending on the player’s skill and strategy, leading to diverse experiences in-game.
  • Some players appreciate the mind games involved in using Clove’s Ult, while others struggle with its high-risk nature.

Community Reactions

Some players shared amusing anecdotes about Clove’s Ult, like dry peeking into enemies and facing instant defeat. Others praised skilled Clove players who make strategic plays with the Ult.

Strategic Dilemmas

It seems Clove’s Ult presents a dilemma for players – do you go for a flashy play and risk it all, or opt for a safer approach that may not yield the same rewards?

Gameplay Mindset

Players highlighted the importance of information gathering before using Clove’s Ult, emphasizing the tactical aspect of gameplay beyond just the resurrection mechanic.

The dynamic discussions around Clove’s Ult in Valorant showcase the complex decision-making processes players face in-game. From calculated risks to unexpected outcomes, the community’s diverse perspectives paint a vivid picture of the game’s evolving meta. While opinions may differ on the effectiveness of Clove’s Ult, one thing remains clear – it’s a game-changer that sparks heated debates and unforgettable moments in Valorant.