Why Use Big Unit When Small Unit Do Trick? – Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Insights

Why stick to big units when small ones can do the job? Dive into the chaotic world of TFT lobbies with us!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are questioning the importance of big units versus smaller units in matches. Let’s delve into the amusing chaos of TFT lobbies.


  • Players contemplate the efficiency of smaller units over big units in TFT.
  • Suggestions for new augment ideas like ‘One and Done’ for 1-cost units are made.
  • The iron 2 lobby experiences spark discussions about team compositions.

Lobby Chaos

The lobby was described as ‘awful’ by some players, criticizing the meta top compositions. Others joke about the excess Kindred units present, hinting at the unusual gameplay happening.

Comedic Observations

One user humorously noted how a player’s username aligned with the chaotic lobby situation, showcasing the lighter side of the intense gameplay discussions.

Reflecting on Gameplay

Players reflect on the unique compositions they encounter, with some comparing the lobby to a scene from ‘The Office,’ highlighting the absurdity they witness during matches.

Categories TFT