Why Tekken Fans are Ecstatic Over the Return of Lidia – A Look at the Reddit Buzz

Discover why Tekken fans are buzzing with excitement and anticipation in this insightful dive into the Reddit posts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans are ecstatic over a recent development in the game. The return of Lidia has brought a wave of excitement and curiosity among the community.


  • Tekken fans are thrilled with the return of Lidia and are eagerly looking forward to exploring her character.
  • There is a mix of emotions regarding the popularity and pick rate of certain characters, with fans expressing their preferences.
  • Some users are delighted with the diversity of characters in the game, appreciating the unique representations.
  • There is anticipation and speculation around future DLC characters, adding to the excitement within the community.

Excitement Over Lidia’s Return

Many fans expressed their joy at Lidia’s return, highlighting their anticipation to play as her and explore her unique abilities and story. One user commented, “Lidia was the one character I wanted in T8 so I am super stoked and glad she is back.” The sentiment of excitement and gratitude was prevalent among the community, with users eagerly awaiting the opportunity to engage with this character.

Diversity in Character Representation

The diverse range of characters in Tekken was a point of appreciation for many users. Some expressed admiration for Lidia’s distinct personality and design, noting her contribution to the rich tapestry of characters in the game. One user remarked, “She was a really cool and unique character that I haven’t rly seen represented in other games.” This acknowledgment of unique character representations added to the positive sentiment within the community.

Speculation Around Future DLC Characters

Anticipation and speculation around future DLC characters were evident in the discussions. Users shared their predictions and wishes for upcoming additions to the game, fueling excitement and curiosity. One user mused, “Imagine ttt3 Lidia And Reina gameplay 😭”, highlighting the speculative nature of the community’s discussions. This anticipation for future content added an element of eagerness and intrigue among Tekken enthusiasts.

Tekken fans are buzzing with excitement and anticipation over the return of Lidia and the prospects of future DLC characters. The community’s spirited discussions and expressions of joy reflect a vibrant and engaged player base, eager to delve deeper into the world of Tekken.