Why Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Players Love Built Different: A Deep Dive into Player Sentiment

Team Fight Tactics players discuss the viability of Built Different and share their experiences with the strategy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have been engaging in animated discussions about the effectiveness of the Built Different strategy, with many sharing their personal anecdotes and strategies on the matter. Is Built Different truly dead, or does it still hold its ground in the current meta?


  • Players find success with the go 8 fast, sell board, and roll strategy.
  • Built Different is praised for disrupting the 4-cost player pool.
  • Players use the strategy when uncertain of their optimal composition.

Exploring the Built Different Phenomenon

Many players appreciate Built Different for its disruptive nature, often leading to a stronger board compared to opponents. This unique strategy involves quickly reaching level 8, selling the entire board, and rolling aggressively for upgrades. The unpredictability and adaptability of Built Different seem to resonate with players across different skill levels.

The Appeal of Disrupting the Meta

One player highlighted the strategic advantage of Built Different, noting how it can disrupt the typical 4-cost unit pool. By preventing both themselves and opponents from hitting 2-star 4-cost units, Built Different players can gain a competitive edge by fielding a stronger team composition. This disruption adds a layer of complexity and excitement to TFT matches.

A Strategy for the Indecisive

For some players, embracing Built Different is a way to navigate uncertainty in team composition decisions. When faced with a lack of clarity on the ideal comp to pursue, selecting Built Different provides a flexible and dynamic approach. Its adaptive nature allows players to pivot swiftly based on available units and in-game circumstances.

Team Fight Tactics enthusiasts continue to experiment with Built Different, uncovering new insights and strategies to optimize its potential within the game. The discussion around this strategy showcases the diverse approaches players take to gain an edge in the ever-evolving TFT meta.

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