Why Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Augment Rounds Can Feel Awful – Players Discuss

Team Fight Tactics players discuss the frustrating experience of shuffled augment rounds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) presents an interesting challenge with encounters that shuffle augment rounds. One player shared a recent experience where Azir shuffled 3-2 and 4-2 augments to 5-3 and 5-5, sparking mixed feelings.


  • Players feel the extreme shift in augments can disrupt gameplay flow
  • Some believe the randomness adds diversity and challenge
  • Others express frustrations with the timing and impact of shuffled augments


Haunting_Recover2917 mentioned a potential bug with the encounters, expressing disappointment at the lack of variety and strategy in shuffled augments


uwatfordm8 highlighted the randomness as part of the augment experience, appreciating the variance it brings to gameplay


Tog1e shared a chaotic experience where all augments appeared early, leading to a competitive gameplay dynamic


Viscaz embraced the randomness, acknowledging the ups and downs of encountering shuffled augments

Categories TFT