Why Smite Players Can’t Agree on Voice Chat in Smite 2

Should Smite 2 have voice chat? The community is divided, with some loving the idea and others vehemently against it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Should Smite 2 incorporate voice chat for a more immersive gaming experience? The community on the Smite subreddit seems to have mixed feelings.


  • Voice chat could enhance teamwork but some players find it unnecessary.
  • Players have concerns about toxicity and distractions in voice chat.
  • Many prefer the current VGS system for communication.

Some Players are Vocal Advocates

Starboykev believes voice chat can improve coordination and camaraderie among players, leading to a more engaging gameplay experience.

Concerns About Toxicity

Nero_Ocean lists various types of distracting voice chat users, highlighting the potential downsides of implementing voice chat.

Mixed Reactions

Some players like LegendOfBaron are open to the idea but urge for customizable mute options to manage unwanted interactions.

HyperMasenko shares past experiences of toxic voice chat in Smite 1, leading to a decision to mute it permanently.