Why Rampart’s Ult (Shiela) in Apex Legends Needs a Rethink

Players debate whether Rampart's ult in Apex Legends is overpowered or not - what's your take?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends community is buzzing with discussions about Rampart’s Ult – is it really as OP as some claim?


  • Players divided on whether Rampart’s Ult needs a nerf
  • Skill requirement and counterplay options are hot topics of debate
  • Some suggest trying Rampart to understand her weaknesses better

Rampart’s Impact

The community is split on Rampart’s Ult, with some finding it easy to outplay while others see it as a powerful tool that needs adjustment.

Counterplay Arguments

Some players argue that knowing how to counter Rampart’s Ult is key, suggesting that it’s more about player skill than the legend being overpowered.

Need for Balance

While some call for a nerf, others believe that not every legend needs to be changed, sparking a broader discussion on game balance.

Despite differing views, one thing is clear – the debate around Rampart’s Ult isn’t dying down anytime soon.