Why Palworld Players Are Losing Everything: Defeated Bellanoir Libero Twice

Discover why Palworld players are facing devastating losses after defeating Bellanoir Libero twice.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are grappling with a frustrating challenge—losing everything after defeating Bellanoir Libero twice. These incidents have sparked a heated discussion in the community, with players sharing their experiences and seeking solutions.


  • Players facing crashes after defeating Bellanoir Libero Ultra.
  • Loss of valuable items like eggs, loot, and summoning tablets.
  • Community discussions on Xbox versions and performance issues.

Player Experiences

One player mentioned experiencing crashes on the Xbox Series X after defeating Bellanoir Libero Ultra. They lamented losing essential items like the egg and loot, highlighting the frustration that many players are facing.

Spawn Rate and Performance

Another user shared their experiment with maximum spawn rates, cautioning against it due to potential performance issues. Battling multiple lovanders led to unexpected challenges, showcasing the game’s intricate dynamics.

Xbox Model Discussions

Players engaged in conversations about the Xbox models affecting performance. With questions about the original Xbox One’s impact on crashes, the community delved into technical aspects influencing gameplay experiences.

The community’s responses to these incidents reflect the diverse challenges and experiences encountered in Palworld. Players are actively collaborating to troubleshoot issues and enhance overall gameplay enjoyment. As the community navigates these setbacks, their resilience and support for each other continue to shine through, reinforcing the camaraderie within the Palworld player base.