Why Megan Thee Stallion as Christie Monteiro in Tekken is Making Fans Lose Their Minds

When Megan Thee Stallion dressed as Christie Monteiro, Tekken fans went wild. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

When Megan Thee Stallion donned the attire of Christie Monteiro from Tekken, fans of the game lost their collective minds in the most delightful way possible!


– Megan Thee Stallion’s cosplay as Christie Monteiro is filling the hearts of fans who have longed for more Christie content in Tekken.

– Fans are impressed by Megan’s commitment to the costume and the character, appreciating her efforts to bring Christie to life.

– There’s hope among fans that Megan’s portrayal may influence the return of Christie in future Tekken installments, especially given Harada’s views on character popularity.

Impressed Fans

Seeing Megan Thee Stallion embody Christie Monteiro brought joy to Tekken fans who love the character for her unique fighting style and personality. It’s a refreshing take on a beloved character that resonates with the community.

Harada’s Influence

Harada’s statement about character returns based on cosplay and fan art has fans speculating about the potential impact of Megan’s portrayal on Christie’s future in Tekken. Could this open up new avenues for character revivals?

Fan Reactions

The community’s reactions vary from sheer excitement to speculation about the potential implications of Megan’s cosplay. Some are hoping Harada takes note of the positive reception and considers Christie’s revival.