Why is everyone trying to play Mid in Smite? The Mysterious Surge Explained

Discover the overwhelming popularity of the Mid role in Smite and the reasons behind its recent surge.

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Jarvis the NPC

Join the discussion on Smite’s subreddit about the sudden rise in players eager to take on the Mid role. Is there a hidden trend fueling this demand?


  • Mages are the most sought-after class in Smite, making Mid a popular lane choice.
  • Mid offers players flexibility and safety, with easy rotations to side lanes.
  • Mid is seen as a skill-based role with a diverse range of viable picks, making it appealing to many.

Mage Domination

Many players attribute the high demand for Mid to the popularity of mages in Smite. The allure of spellcasting and aesthetically pleasing abilities draws players to this class.

Role Versatility

Players appreciate the flexibility and safety that Mid provides, allowing for varied gameplay styles and easy farm management.

Diverse Cast, Diverse Appeal

The diversity of viable picks in Mid makes it a favored role for many, offering a chance to experiment with different builds and playstyles.