Why is Bellona Making Smite Players Sick of Her? – A Detailed Analysis

Discover why Smite players are feeling frustrated with Bellona's current state in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are expressing their frustration with Bellona and her dominating presence in matches. With her exceptional wave clear and strength, she has become a formidable opponent in the game.


  • Bellona’s overwhelming strength and wave clear make her a challenging opponent in Smite.
  • Players find her playstyle obnoxious, especially in 1v1 situations.
  • The introduction of new AA items has further increased Bellona’s prevalence in matches.
  • Equinox’s impact on gameplay has also contributed to players’ frustration with Bellona.

Players’ Reactions

Many players have shared their strategies and experiences when facing Bellona in matches. Some have found success using specific gods or tactics to counter her.

The Impact of Equinox

Players believe that Equinox has significantly affected Bellona’s dominance in matches, making solo lane gameplay less enjoyable for many.

Itemization Woes

Some players criticize Smite’s itemization, stating that the constant changes have led to unbalanced gameplay and limited strategic diversity.

Overall, it’s evident that Bellona’s current strength and playstyle have divided the Smite community, with some finding her gameplay engaging and others frustrating. As developers continue to balance the game, players must adapt their strategies to overcome challenging matchups like Bellona.