Why is an Epic in the Starr Pass Worth 1000 Credits? Brawl Stars Controversy Explained

Discover the heated debate on the value of in-game items in Brawl Stars. Are players justified in their sentiments?

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars players are in a frenzy over the value of epic items in the Starr Pass. Check out the lively discussion on Reddit!


  • Players question the pricing discrepancy between a paid epic and a free mythic.
  • Community divided on whether Supercell’s monetization strategies are fair or exploitative.
  • The debate centers on perceived fairness in rewarding loyal players.

Exploring the Pricing Dilemma

One user highlighted, “the difference is that you’re paying for one and the other is free. Supercell gotta make that cash money $$$”.

Supercell’s Decision Making

“Supercell logic,” quipped a Redditor, echoing the sentiments of many puzzled players.

Player Frustrations

Another disgruntled player expressed, “I didn’t spend 5 years playing this game to be treated like that, sorry.”

Gratitude vs. Criticism

Some urge players to appreciate the free offerings, with one stating, “Just be grateful that Brawl Stars actually loves to give us free stuff CONSISTENTLY.”