Why Genshin Impact Fans Can’t Decide Whether to Love or Hate Paimon

Is Paimon loved or hated by Genshin Impact fans? Dive into the mixed sentiments surrounding this iconic character!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are torn on their feelings toward the character Paimon. A recent Reddit post titled ‘I know everyone hates Paimon but this figure looks amazing’ sparked discussions on whether fans love or despise this divisive figure.


  • Opinions on Paimon vary from adoration to disdain, highlighting the character’s polarizing nature.
  • Some see Paimon as a cute and endearing companion, while others view her as annoying and wish for a mute option.
  • The figure based on Paimon received praise for its quality and pricing, surprising some fans.

Love for Paimon

Many players expressed their fondness for Paimon, citing her cuteness and charm as reasons for their admiration. Some even consider her their ‘little homie,’ showcasing a deeper emotional connection to the character.

Conflicted Feelings

Others admitted to having mixed emotions about Paimon, acknowledging her irritating dialogue while still finding her design appealing. Some joked about wanting a feature to silence Paimon permanently if they purchased the figure.

Paimon Appreciation

Despite the vocal group of Paimon detractors, there were numerous fans who professed their genuine liking for the character. They praised her personality and contribution to the game’s story, showcasing a more positive stance towards the character.