Why FIFA Fans Are Thanking Their Lucky Stars Compared to NBA 2K

FIFA players feel grateful for their luck as they compare EA's Ultimate Team to NBA 2K's pay-for-play model.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever felt grateful for the crazy world of FIFA Ultimate Team? Well, buckle up because some fans compare it to NBA 2K’s money-grabbing scheme, and you might just thank your lucky stars.


  • NBA 2K’s MyTeam model is riddled with pay-to-win mechanisms, making FIFA’s Ultimate Team seem more player-friendly.
  • Despite EA’s reputation for greediness, FIFA fans appreciate the comparatively better system in place.
  • FIFA’s menu content is seen as top-notch even though gameplay might not always measure up.
  • Some fear that FIFA might head in the same direction as NBA 2K if certain trends continue.

NBA 2K’s Troubles

Players in the Reddit thread expressed frustration with NBA 2K24’s MyTeam mode, highlighting its money-oriented approach. The removal of the transfer market and the need to spend money for decent players were major gripes.

Comparing FIFA and NBA 2K

Many users drew comparisons between FIFA’s Ultimate Team and NBA 2K’s MyTeam, noting the latter’s heavy reliance on microtransactions and grinding for progress.

FIFA’s Saving Grace

Despite criticisms of EA’s monetization strategies, fans feel fortunate when comparing the accessibility of players in FIFA Ultimate Team with the obstacles present in NBA 2K’s system.