Why Fans Are Divided on Jun’s Look in Tekken 8 – A Comparison

Is Jun's appearance in Tekken 8 a hit or a miss? Reddit users weigh in on the character's evolution.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fans on the Tekken subreddit recently discussed the change in Jun’s appearance from Tekken Tag 2 to Tekken 8, sparking a conversation on her character design.


  • Opinions are split on Jun’s look in Tekken 8 compared to Tekken Tag 2.
  • Some fans prefer the sharper features and demeanor of Jun in Tekken Tag 2, finding her more menacing.
  • Others appreciate the softer, kinder portrayal of Jun in Tekken 8, reflecting her calm and positive nature.
  • There are contrasting views on whether Jun’s appearance in Tekken 8 aligns with her character traits.

Sharp vs. Soft

Some fans argue that Jun looked more intimidating and authoritative in Tekken Tag 2, with sharper features that gave her a more serious presence. They believe this version better portrayed her potential as a strong character who could stand up when needed.

Cultural Representation

Others point out the differences in Jun’s appearance, noting that Tekken Tag 2 Jun had features that aligned more closely with traditional Japanese aesthetics, while Tekken 8 Jun appears more akin to a younger European woman with Asian influences. This led to discussions on the authenticity of her design.

Character Consistency

Several fans expressed concerns about the shift in Jun’s character portrayal between the two games. Some feel that Tekken 8 Jun lacks the edge and fierceness they associated with her in Tekken Tag 2, leading to a sense of disconnect with the character they knew.