Why Explosive Payload Is Essential in Destiny 2’s Harder Content

Exploring the debate between using explosive payload or firefly in Destiny 2's challenging content. What do the Guardians prefer?

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Jarvis the NPC

When diving into the chaotic world of Destiny 2, especially its tougher challenges and raids, players often find themselves pondering whether explosive payload trumps firefly in combat. This can be quite the conundrum for Guardians seeking the optimal choice for their arsenal.


  • Harder content requires efficient perks that are less reliant on kill triggers.
  • Explosive rounds offer consistent bonus damage favored by many players.
  • Testing out various rolls in challenging scenarios can help identify personal preferences.

Debate: Explosive Payload vs. Firefly

Guardians are split between the utility of explosive payload and the allure of firefly when tackling Destiny 2’s demanding content. While firefly excels in clearing weaker enemies with its explosive chain reaction, some argue that in challenging encounters, the sporadic killing opportunities diminish its effectiveness.

Guardian Wisdom

DesiMeGaming points out how perks that activate without kill requirements tend to shine in harder scenarios due to enemy resilience. This insight resonates with many players seeking consistency over situational benefits.

Additionally, m0rdr3dnought emphasizes the slight damage boost from explosive rounds, highlighting its popularity among the community for its reliability. The idea of pairing a damage-oriented perk with an easy-to-proc reload enhancement intrigues many veterans.

Moreover, MendigoBob delves into the intricacies of damage mechanics, illustrating how explosive payload’s damage distribution and lack of falloff elevate its value in high-stakes engagements. This detailed analysis sheds light on the practical advantages of this explosive perk.

The Verdict

While firefly retains its appeal for clearing mobs in less intense activities, explosive payload emerges as a favored choice for conquering Destiny 2’s most challenging encounters. Its consistent damage output and reliability make it a staple for many discerning Guardians navigating the treacherous world of epic battles and relentless adversaries.