Why Do People Think They Can 1v2 or Even 1v3 in Apex Legends SoloQ? Insights from Reddit

Discover why some players in Apex Legends SoloQ believe they can take on multiple opponents solo, and the frustration it brings.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of teammates who charge into 1v2 or even 1v3 situations in Apex Legends SoloQ without a strategy? You’re not alone. Reddit users weigh in on this frustrating trend.


  • Players underestimate enemy strength in solo engagements
  • Communication issues lead to reckless gameplay
  • Overconfidence in individual skills

Apex Legends Players Dissect SoloQ Strategies

In the realm of Platinum SoloQ matches, players confront a common dilemma—individuals attempting unrealistic solo engagements against multiple foes. The missteps often stem from overestimating personal capabilities

Reveling in Recklessness

Commenters echo this sentiment, noting instances where rash decisions led to avoidable defeats and frustrating consequences

Tuning Out Team Dynamics

Communication breakdowns contribute to the chaos, leaving teammates baffled by the reckless moves of their counterparts

Wrangling with Reality

As players vent their exasperation, a pattern of solo overextensions emerges, revealing a disconnect between expectation and execution