Why Deep Rock Galactic Players are Divided on Lootbug Killing

Deep Rock Galactic players are split on whether to spare or exterminate lootbugs, leading to a heated debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players have strong opinions on a recent post titled ‘Say no to lootbug killing ✊️😔’ by Marko_Brazil. The post has sparked a heated debate among fans of the game. While some advocate for sparing the adorable creatures, others see them as nothing more than a means to an end.


  • Players express mixed emotions about the ethical dilemma of killing lootbugs.
  • Some view lootbugs as essential resources to be harvested, while others emphasize their innocence.
  • The debate reveals deeper psychological connections players develop with in-game characters.

The Lootbug Dilemma

Some players, like Silvercaptain69, believe that lootbugs shouldn’t eat precious minerals to avoid being exterminated. According to them, it’s a simple cause and effect situation. On the contrary, Veketzin prioritizes the resources lootbugs carry, emphasizing their utility over empathy. They perceive lootbugs as a means to an end, with no sentimental attachment.

Innocence vs. Necessity

SkullDaisyGimp humorously references a popular phrase by stating, ‘The only good bug is a dead bug.’ This satirical take encapsulates the divide between players who find it necessary to kill lootbugs for survival and those who see them as innocent creatures. MisterMasterCylinder’s comment adds a comedic twist to the debate, highlighting the absurdity of the situation with a touch of dark humor.

Personal Connections

Executesubroutine’s sentiment of bugs feeling like family sheds light on the emotional investment players have in Deep Rock Galactic. The game’s immersive gameplay fosters a unique bond between players and the fictional world. While OkDelivery3208 sees minerals in lootbugs as a valuable resource, others like Morigateau have personal vendettas due to past interactions, blurring the line between gameplay and emotion.

Despite differing opinions, the discussion on lootbug killing in Deep Rock Galactic highlights the dynamic narratives players create within the game world. Each player’s perspective adds depth to the gaming experience and showcases the diverse ways individuals engage with virtual environments.