Why Can’t We Get Some Small Amount of XP Once We Finish the Mini-Pass in Fortnite?

Fortnite players discuss why they can't earn XP after completing mini-pass levels. Is Epic Games missing out on an opportunity?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are questioning why they can’t receive XP after completing the mini-pass levels. Neo-Corrupted raises a valid point about the excess Chi and potential for progression.


  • Players suggest that Epic Games could be withholding XP to encourage purchasing levels.
  • Adding XP for mini-pass completion might make progression too easy, impacting revenue.
  • This decision could be a strategic move to prevent complaints about missed items.
  • Some players feel Epic is being greedy this season.

Player Insights

Ampharosite181 humorously points out that Epic Games tends to operate in a manner that defies conventional logic when it comes to game rewards.

Deceptiveideas highlights the potential consequence of faster progression – rendering quests useless and reducing playtime engagement.

joeMAMAkim offers an alternative perspective, suggesting that the lack of XP serves to deter quest grinding rather than encouraging purchases.

Community Reactions

_Moist_Owlette_ delves into the psychological aspect of challenging main pass progression and its impact on player behavior.

Gold_Yellow mentions the strategic aspect of mini-pass points to avoid player complaints about missed content.

TheOnlyFallenCookie believes that incentivizing gameplay over purchases would benefit player engagement.

Final Thoughts

Fortnite players contemplate the absence of XP rewards for mini-pass completion, pondering Epic Games’ motives and player incentives. The community’s mixed reactions reveal differing perspectives on the game’s progression system.