Why Call of Duty Should Offer Free Map Packs for Older Games: Fans Speak Out

Gamers debate if Call of Duty should provide free map packs for older titles. Discover why the community is divided.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are questioning why map packs aren’t free for older games, sparking a lively discussion on Reddit.


  • Players miss the classic maps but understand the business aspect.
  • Activision’s focus on profits is seen as a barrier to free map packs.
  • Community sentiment leans towards nostalgia for past games.

Why No Free Map Packs?

Some gamers think Activision prioritizes profits over player experience. One user, MrDeacle, believes that free map packs would not align with the company’s current marketing strategies, centered on ‘whale hunting’ for big spenders. Even though older titles still retain a player base, maintaining free content could strain servers and impact profitability.

Activision’s Strategy

The consensus among comments reflects skepticism towards Activision’s business motives. MysterD77 suggests that as a lucrative franchise, Call of Duty remains a prime source of revenue for the company, leading to reluctance in offering free content for older games.

Community Nostalgia

Many users express fondness for the nostalgia of older Call of Duty titles, reminiscing about the days of Black Ops 1 and Modern Warfare 2. While some miss the gameplay and maps of the past, there’s an acknowledgment that the gaming industry’s financial dynamics may impede the release of free map packs.

Overall, the discussion highlights the complex relationship between player expectations, corporate strategies, and the enduring appeal of classic Call of Duty titles.