Why Brawl Stars Players Are Divided on the Latest Game Mode

Brawl Stars fans have mixed feelings about the recent game mode. Let's dive into the debates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is a buzzing hive of opinions lately, especially around the new game mode that has fans split down the middle. Some love it, while others can’t stand it. The subreddit is ablaze with differing views and heated discussions.


  • Players express frustration with uncooperative teammates.
  • Some suggest spending gems for better mutations.
  • Rico and Ruffs are touted as top picks for the mode.
  • There are calls for banning certain characters from the mode.
  • Player Frustrations

    Amidst the chaos of the new game mode, players like Dasis_grom are feeling the heat. Their blunt assessment echoes many sentiments on the subreddit – ‘this event sucks, can’t even play because my teammates are brain dead.’ Ouch, that’s straight to the point!

    Gem Gambles

    One user, N0ice_man, provides an alternative perspective, advising players to gamble their gems for better mutations. An interesting approach, but is it worth the risk?

    Character Choices

    When it comes to character preferences, NieLubieCie34 stands firmly in the camp of Rico fans. They assert that Rico is the go-to option for the mode. Will other players follow suit?

    Banning Concerns

    Another player, Battlebearsgold, expresses disappointment in the lack of character bans for the mode. They believe that removing certain characters like Ricochet and Ruffs could solve many issues. Should these bans be implemented?