Why Aren’t Spat Portals More Popular in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover why players in Team Fight Tactics (TFT) prefer other portals over spat portals for team comps.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Team Fight Tactics (TFT), players are questioning why spat portals, such as training sentinel or loot subscription, aren’t more popular compared to options like scuttle puddle. The post discusses the lack of diversity in team comps and how players feel the spats can offer a solution.


  • Players find that spat portals, while offering flexibility, often lead to players forcing strong comps, creating an unbalanced game.
  • Issues with balancing and RNG in the current set make choosing spats risky and potentially less rewarding.
  • Opinions differ on the popularity of portals, with some players enjoying the variety while others believe certain portals create unfair advantages.

PoliteRuthless’s Perspective

PoliteRuthless points out that while spat portals could lead to more diverse comps, in the current patch, they tend to reinforce already strong compositions like Dryad, Heavenly, and Porcelain, limiting true diversity.

CuntStuffer’s Experience

CuntStuffer shares their encounter with multiple players opting for the same emblem, indicating a potential issue with how players perceive balance in team comps.

WeightOwn5817’s Critique

WeightOwn5817 criticizes the set’s inflexibility and describes their experience as akin to a dice roll, highlighting frustrations with hitting overpowered strategies.

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