Why Apex Legends Players Want All Three Game Modes – Analysis and Opinions

Apex Legends players are questioning the difficulty of having all three game modes available. Are there hidden challenges?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has a dedicated player base discussing the frustration surrounding the absence of all three game modes in the game. Despite the popularity of the battle royale, users on the Apex Legends subreddit are debating the limitations set by the developers on available game modes.


  • Players feel restricted by the lack of all three game modes, particularly in duo and solo queues.
  • Concerns about queue times and player base division arise due to limited modes.
  • Some suggest a compromise between shorter wait times and varied modes for a better player experience.

Zach’s Vibes on Game Modes

One user, Zachs_Vibes, questions the difficulty behind implementing all three game modes, pointing out the frustration of being limited to only one or two modes at any given time.

The Queue Time Debate

Dragonsreach1 adds to the discussion by highlighting the inconvenience of queuing with random teammates in the absence of specific modes, leading to a less enjoyable gameplay experience.

Voice from the Community

Redd_Hunter expresses a desire for more game modes, emphasizing that a slightly longer wait time could be a fair trade-off for a wider range of options.

Frost_King1234YT straightforwardly states that having all three game modes is not a complex task, implying that the development team could easily incorporate them into the game.