Why Apex Legends Fans Are Split on the Game’s Latest Season

Apex Legends fans are caught between excitement for the latest season and frustrations with ongoing issues.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends season 20 is here, and players are divided on the game’s current state. Some find the new additions exciting, while others voice concerns about persistent problems.


  • Players are enjoying the new map changes and the addition of the new character’s abilities.
  • Some players appreciate the shift in blame from bad teammates to hackers in solos.
  • However, there are still complaints about ongoing issues like cheaters, poor performance on low-end PCs, and unaddressed bugs.

Fans Loving the Season

Some players, like elkend, express their love for the game and commend Respawn for their continuous efforts to improve the game. Despite the negativity, they find the game cool and enjoyable, especially with the new changes introduced this season.

Frustrations and Critiques

On the other hand, players like RoccoCommisso highlight serious concerns about performance issues, particularly on low-end PCs. These players are hesitant to engage with the game until these issues are addressed.

Debate Over Game Changes

DenjeRL offers a detailed breakdown of their experiences with the new season. They critique the state of the game, from cheaters in ranked to the lack of substantial improvements. Despite the excitement over new content, they point out ongoing issues that dampen the overall experience.

The Apex community is a mix of passionate fans and critical players, each contributing to the ongoing dialogue about the game’s current state. While some embrace the new features and changes, others remain vocal about the need for essential fixes and improvements. As Respawn continues to evolve Apex Legends, balancing player feedback and addressing technical issues will be crucial in maintaining a positive player experience.