Why Alisa in Tekken Needs a Balancing Patch – A Look Inside the Reddit Community

Join the heated discussion as Tekken fans debate the necessity of a nerf for the powerful character, Alisa.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, the balance of power is a delicate dance, and one character causing quite a stir is Alisa. Lemstry, a vocal member of the Tekken community, took to Reddit to express frustration over the lack of nerfs for Alisa despite her overwhelming strength.


  • Alisa’s power level in Tekken sparks heated debates among players.
  • Community members point out specific strengths and weaknesses of Alisa, calling for balance changes.
  • Some players offer advice on dealing with Alisa’s playstyle rather than calling for nerfs.

Community’s View on Alisa’s Power Level

One user, Old-Van-Reich, suggested that Alisa may be flying under the radar for nerfs due to her lack of popularity in discussions. They anticipate a potential nerf in the upcoming patch that focuses on defense mechanics.

AzukiOwl chimed in, proposing a reduction in chip damage for Alisa’s chainsaws to address the frustration felt by many players.

Debating the Top Tier Characters

KeK_What raised the issue of character perception within the community, pointing out biases towards certain characters like Alisa and Lili. They called for a more objective view on character strength.

Apprehensive_Sea_318 highlighted the need for balance adjustments across multiple characters, including Alisa, Nina, Lili, Reina, Feng, and King, to ensure fair gameplay.

Strategies and Adaptations

DRCsyntax took a practical approach, advising players to focus on learning the matchup against Alisa rather than relying solely on nerfs. They emphasized the importance of adapting to different playstyles.

JustinMemerBeliever provided detailed insights into countering Alisa’s moves and transitions, suggesting that a deep understanding of her moveset is essential for success.