Why Aerith makes Cloud a better guy in Final Fantasy: The Remake Analysis

Dive into how Aerith influences Cloud's character development in the Final Fantasy Remake

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing how Aerith impacts Cloud in the Final Fantasy Remake, users on Reddit share their thoughts and insights. From friendship dynamics to deeper emotional connections, Aerith’s role is pivotal.


  • Aerith brings out a more emotional side of Cloud
  • Remake Aerith is seen as a positive influence on Cloud’s character
  • Cloud’s interactions with both Aerith and Tifa are integral to his growth

MarSolo1’s Perspective

Honestly, I love her friendship with Tifa. It’s something that’s barely touched on in the original.

KuroBocchi’s Take

Sidestepping the romance option for obvious reasons. I like Remake Aerith. She brings out a different more fun side of Cloud.

Kurikamekurisu’s View

I think remake Cloud in general is a much nicer guy. The translations did do the OG Cloud dirty but he’s just overall much more emphatic and likable in the remake.

xspotster’s Comment

I feel like the entire party is instrumental at making Cloud a better guy, both in the group dynamic and the leader he becomes and his personal relationships.

I’ve never understood the Tifa vs Aerith debate. It’s always been both. In the end obviously Cloud realizes that Tifa is the right woman for him but he only reaches that conclusion thanks to the time he spent growing with Aerith. He likes both of them at different times.

I could probably write an entire essay on why BOTH Aerith and Tifa are important to Cloud’s arc. Aerith consistently pushes Cloud to show his softer side, his “true self.” Tifa genuinely cares, but there is emotional baggage between them.

100%. Aeris’s role is to bring out the best in Cloud. She gets him to laugh. She dismantles his SOLDIER persona, but genuinely supports him toward heroics.

So, is Aerith the key?

As users delve into the complex dynamics between Aerith and Cloud in the Final Fantasy Remake, it’s clear that Aerith plays a crucial role in shaping Cloud’s emotional growth. The friendships, banter, and emotional depth that Aerith brings into Cloud’s life are pivotal in his character development. Whether the debate leans towards Aerith, Tifa, or both, one thing remains clear – Aerith’s influence on Cloud goes beyond mere romance.