Why 3ddy is Dividing the Tekken Community: A Controversial Take

Find out why 3ddy is causing a stir in the Tekken community. Love him or hate him, there's no denying his impact!

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are divided over a controversial character, 3ddy, who has sparked both admiration and frustration with his gameplay. Created by Murray or just a new challenge, his presence has changed the game for many.


  • 3ddy challenges the perception of skill and tactics in Tekken matches.
  • His repetitive moveset is both amusing and infuriating, leading to mixed reactions.
  • Players appreciate the unique entertainment value he brings to the game.

3ddy: Love Him or Hate Him?

Many players find 3ddy’s playstyle refreshing and entertaining, breaking the monotony of typical matches. His unusual tactics force opponents to adapt, adding a new layer of strategy to the game.

Controversy Surrounding 3ddy

Some players feel that 3ddy’s reliance on a single combo diminishes the integrity of Tekken matches. They argue that facing him is more about endurance than skill, leading to a divide in the community.

The Influence of 3ddy

Despite the polarizing opinions, 3ddy’s impact on the Tekken community is undeniable. His presence has sparked discussions, strategies, and even inspired new players to pick up the game. Whether you love him or hate him, 3ddy has left his mark on Tekken.