WhosImmortal: WARZONE: New UPDATE PATCH NOTES, Major BUG FIXES Confirmed, & More!

Get the latest updates on Warzone, including new patch notes, bug fixes, and upcoming events in this video summary.

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WhosImmortal provides the latest updates for Warzone and Modern Warfare 3, including patch notes, bug fixes, and upcoming events. The video highlights a new Ricochet update that combats boosting in ranked play, gameplay updates and changes, and the status of the reloading bug. Additionally, the video discusses the upcoming weekly update, new aftermarket parts, and the end of the current virus event. It also speculates about a potential Black Ops 6 reveal event in Warzone. Stay informed with this comprehensive summary of the video by WhosImmortal.

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Key Takeaways:

  • A new Ricochet update has been released to combat boosting in ranked play in Warzone.
  • Gameplay updates and changes, including fixes for the Jack Cutthroat stock and map distortion issues, have been resolved.
  • The reloading bug is still being worked on and a fix is expected to be released soon.
  • The upcoming weekly update will introduce new challenges and an aftermarket part, potentially the Jack Atlas conversion kit for the amr9.

New Ricochet Update to Combat Boosting in Ranked Play

WhosImmortal highlights a new Ricochet update that addresses the issue of boosting in ranked play in Warzone. Players found to be participating in progression boosting will now have their access to ranked play restricted in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. This update aims to combat unfair play and promote a more balanced competitive environment.

Gameplay Updates and Changes

The video mentions several gameplay updates and changes that were not initially listed in patch notes but have since been resolved. The Jack Cutthroat stock, previously not equipable on any MCW platform, is now fully fixed, providing more options for players in terms of attachments. Additionally, map distortion issues on Ekhan have been fixed, resolving the annoying bug where the geography would glitch and players would end up halfway in the ground. However, there is still a texture streaming issue across the game, particularly noticeable on the rebirth map during sunset lighting. The developers have acknowledged this issue and have a fix scheduled.

Status of the Reloading Bug

The video addresses the reloading bug that has been affecting players and confirms that it is a top priority for the developers. However, a fix for this bug is expected to be released sometime this week. The bug requires a full-on title update, which needs to go through clearance processes with Xbox and PlayStation before it can be pushed out. While players may be frustrated with the delay, the video clarifies that title updates often take longer to release due to the necessary procedures.

Upcoming Weekly Update and Events

The video mentions the standard routine weekly update scheduled for Wednesday, which will include new weekly challenges and potentially a new aftermarket part. Data miners have discovered that the upcoming aftermarket part could be the Jack Atlas conversion kit for the amr9, transforming it into a five-round burst rifle. However, dates are subject to change, so the accuracy of these leaks may vary. Additionally, an event called the “You Assist Veterans Challenge” will kick off on May 8th, lasting until May 22nd. This event, based on the Call of Duty endowment, will require players to complete tasks to support veterans. Notably, there is no specified event for the week leading up to the release of season 4, leading to speculation about a potential Black Ops 6 reveal event in Warzone.