WhosImmortal: The New Warzone Update Is Completely Unplayable

The latest Warzone update is causing major issues, making the game almost unplayable. Find out the details in our blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

The latest update for Warzone and Modern Warfare 3, Season 1 Reloaded, has introduced numerous game-breaking issues. From loadout crashes to distorted geography, players are experiencing a frustrating and unplayable game. The Cod updates account has been busy addressing the problems and delaying certain features, but the issues seem to keep piling up. This blog post will cover the key takeaways from WhosImmortal’s video and dive deeper into the problems plaguing Warzone.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The update has caused players to enter a bugged state when trying to open a loadout, rendering loadouts unusable.
  • Players are getting stuck in a fetching data loop when trying to enter certain playlists, making the game unplayable.
  • Kill streak notification banners are not appearing correctly, leaving players unaware of enemy airstrikes.
  • The update was meant to fix geography issues, but new issues have arisen, causing distorted geography.

Loadout Crashes and Unusable Playlists

The most significant issue introduced by the update is the inability to use loadouts. When players attempt to open a loadout, their game crashes, making it impossible to play with their own guns in Warzone. This forces players to buy guns from buy stations instead. Additionally, players are experiencing a fetching data loop when trying to enter certain playlists, further hindering their ability to play the game.

Missing Kill Streak Notifications

Another major issue is the absence of kill streak notification banners in Warzone. Players are not receiving any warning or indication when an enemy airstrikes or uses other kill streaks. This lack of notification puts players at a disadvantage and can lead to frustrating and unexpected deaths.

Geography Issues and Raven’s Statement

The patch notes for the update boasted numerous fixes for geography issues in Urzikstan, but new issues have already emerged. Distorted geography is causing problems in the game, despite the intended fixes. Additionally, Raven, the developer, had to disable the new Champions Quest feature due to its impact on gameplay. This sudden removal of content further highlights the problematic nature of this update.

The Season 1 Reloaded update for Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 has proven to be one of the most broken updates in COD history. From loadout crashes to missing notifications, players are facing numerous frustrating issues that make the game almost unplayable. The developers are actively working to address these problems, but the extent of the issues is concerning. Players can only hope that fixes are implemented quickly to restore the enjoyable and seamless experience they expect from the game.