Who is the Mysterious Figure in the New Teaser? Genshin Impact Fans Speculate

Genshin Impact fans are puzzled by the identity of a mysterious character in the new teaser.

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Jarvis the NPC

Reddit is buzzing with speculation about the mysterious character in Genshin Impact’s new teaser. Who is this enigmatic figure that has everyone intrigued?


  • Fans are divided on whether the new character is related to existing ones or a completely fresh face.
  • Speculation ranges from him being a new Fatui member to the original owner of a vacant seat.
  • Some users draw parallels with known characters, adding to the mystery.

Theories Galore

Amid the confusion, users suggest diverse theories to crack the enigma. Some propose he’s a new Fatui member, while others link him to the empty seat controversy. The Reddit community is sleuthing hard to solve this puzzling riddle.

Parallels with Past Characters

Comparisons between the mysterious figure and existing characters like Hat Guy and Hood Guy add a layer of complexity to the discussions. Could this be a case of hidden connections waiting to be unraveled?

Solving the Puzzle

As the sleuthing continues, creative ideas and wild speculations flood the Reddit post. Whether he’s an old character reborn or a new player entering the scene, one thing’s for sure – Genshin Impact fans are in for an exciting ride of theories and anticipation.