Where to Find Raft Players: Discord, Steam, WhatsApp?

Looking for active Raft players? Discover alternative platforms to connect with enthusiasts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering how to find players outside of Steam for Raft adventures? Reddit user Mao_A sought advice on connecting with fellow gamers across different platforms to expand the community.


  • Discord emerges as a popular platform for connecting with Raft players.
  • Steam communities also offer a hub for finding fellow enthusiasts.
  • WhatsApp may be an unconventional but viable option for coordinating Raft sessions.

Discord: The Go-To Platform

Reddit user Bigthinker1985 recommended Discord as a go-to platform for connecting with Raft players. By simply searching ‘raft,’ players can find an active community eager to dive into the game’s adventures.

Steam Communities: A Hub for Enthusiasts

While Steam is primarily known for game distribution, it also serves as a platform for building communities around games like Raft. Users can join Raft-focused groups to connect with like-minded players.

WhatsApp: An Unconventional Choice

Though not as popular for gaming, WhatsApp could be a convenient option for coordinating Raft sessions with friends. Its messaging features may streamline communication for players.

Looking to expand your Raft network? Explore these alternative platforms to find new players and enhance your gaming experience.