Where Did All the Rude People Suddenly Come From? – Baldur’s Gate Community Outrage

Rant about rude newcomers in the Baldur's Gate community sparks heated discussions and reflections on internet behavior.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you noticed a sudden influx of rude individuals in the Baldur’s Gate community? A Reddit post by user ReaUsagi ignited a firestorm of emotions and frustrations…


  • Online communities often face a shift towards negativity as time passes.
  • The anonymity of the internet tends to bring out the worst in some individuals.
  • Newcomers may contribute to a wave of rudeness, but they often do not stick around.

Community Dynamics

Unfortunately, rude behavior is not uncommon in large fandoms like Baldur’s Gate. As time progresses, more chill fans tend to disengage, leaving a vocal minority to dominate discussions. This phenomenon is not unique to this community; other platforms such as the games steam forum also face similar challenges. It seems that the internet is a breeding ground for such behavior, with waves of negativity surfacing periodically.

Personal Experiences

Several users shared their personal encounters with rude individuals. From being insulted for offering help to experiencing unwarranted attacks on their character, the community is navigating through a turbulent phase. Despite the negative interactions, there are still individuals who manage to maintain composure and civility, earning praise for their resilience.


Amidst the chaos, there are reflections on the changing dynamics of online interactions. Some users express dismay at the lack of basic manners displayed by some individuals, especially when seeking assistance. The dichotomy between supportive interactions and toxic behavior highlights the fragility of online communities.