What you should know before playing Teamfight Tactics (TFT)

We look at Riot Game's auto-battler TFT and the components and strategies that go into mastering this team building strategy game.

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TFT is an auto battler game published by Riot Games

Teamfight Tactics, commonly referred to as TFT, is an auto battler game published by Riot Games, and first released in 2019. TFT is a spinoff of Riot’s popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game, League of Legends, and features champions from League of Legends in a chess-like, team building setting.   

In an auto battler game, your team does all the battling for you, leaving you to focus on the strategy side of the game, such as which champions to draft to your team, how you want to build your team, where you want to position your champions on the board, and how you manage your gold and items.

TFT puts 8 players against each other in round based PvP action. All players buy champions from the same pool, and place them strategically on their 4 row x 7 column side of the board, or arena. Players can level up their champions by combining 3 champions of the same level, however since all players select from the same pool, other players may be going after the same champion units you are.  

In almost every round, players will first have 30 seconds to strategize, and then face off against another randomly selected player, and their champions will duel it out in the arena. The round ends once time runs out, or once all of one player’s champions have been eliminated.  Losing a round will result in a reduction of a player’s health points. The last player with health points remaining wins.

What are Team Comps in TFT?

Team Comps, or Team Compositions, refers to the champions, items, and synergies a player uses when building their teams, as well as their placement. Building a strong team comp is crucial to winning your head to head battles, and the overall game. It is also important to look at your opponents’ team comps, so you can best strategize how to build your team and playstyle.

What are the best team comps in TFT?

The best team comps in TFT are often referred to as the meta, or TFT meta. Meta comps are team comps that are extremely popular within the TFT community at a given time based on the the current patch and status of the game. A comp could rise to the top of the meta because certain synergies or items are performing exceptionally well within that set or patch.

While playing a meta team comp can definitely put you on the path to victory, other players will also be looking to build a meta team comp. Because of the shared champion pool, it is important to keep an eye on other players teams so you can make strategic decisions and move on to a different team comp is needed.

What is a set in TFT?

A set in Teamfight Tactics is the current story and universe the game takes place in. In addition to cosmetic changes, a set will also include important game details that directly impact strategy and game play. This includes the available champions, the Origins and Classes of those champions, and any big changes to items. Additionally sets can include new game mechanics.

How often is there a new set in TFT?

A set in TFT usually lasts about 6 months, with a mid-set update around the 3 month mark. A new set includes new champions, with new Origins and Classes. Additionally, this also introduces a new meta and new strategies to the community, keeping the game fresh.

In addition to new sets or mid-sets every few months, the game also receives patches throughout the duration of a set, usually every couple of weeks, which can include balancing to champions, traits, or items. This means that there can be small shifts to the meta and team comps, even during the duration of a set.

However starting with set 10, sets will last approximately 4 months, and will no longer have a mid-set update.

When does the new TFT Set release?

Currently TFT is on set 8.5. The upcoming set 9, named Runeterra Reforged, is set to go live on June 14, 2023.

What is the gameplay in TFT?

The gameplay in TFT revolves around eight players building and managing a team of champions who automatically battle against other players’ teams.

As the game progresses, players earn gold, which can be used to purchase additional champions, experience points, and items from the in-game shop. As players earn additional experience and level up, they are able to obtain higher level champions. Players can also level up their champions by obtaining 3 units of a champion at the same level. So if a player has three 1 star Jinxs, they will combine into one 2 star Jinx. If they have three 2 star Jinxs, they will combine into one 3 star Jinx.

Players obtain more champion units by spending the gold they earn in the in-game shop. All players buy champion units from the same pool, and there is only a finite amount of units per champion. Gold is also the main way to level up, so players have to manage their gold and choose between buying champions and buying XP.

What are the different rounds in TFT?

Gameplay is broken into different rounds, consisting of 4-7 phases. In the phase of the first round, all of the players participate in the carousel, in which the player will select their first champion, from a random assortment of champions walking in a clockwise circle. Each champion is also holding an item, which will become the player’s first item. In the first round the carousel is a free for all, in following rounds the carousel order is determined by health points, with the player with the lowest health points selecting first.

the carousel phase in TFT
image via Riot Games

One the first carousel phase is complete, the remaining 3 phases of round 1 will pit players against fairly easy to defeat minions, which will drop additional items, champion units, and gold. Players use this first round to begin to build resources and develop their team.

Following rounds will include 7 phases. Phases 1-3 will randomly match players against another team. Players will have a short time to strategize before the teams are dropped into the arena to auto-battle. Although players cannot change champions or placement after the planning period, they can still add items during the battle part of the phase.

Phase 4 will be another carousel phase, followed by 2 more phases of PvP competition. In the 7th phase, players will once again face off against creatures that drop rewards such as champion units and items. The enemies being fought in this 7th phase will get harder to beat as the rounds go on, but the rewards will also be greater.

How do you level up in a TFT match?

To level up during a match, a player needs to earn XP points. Players can buy XP points with the gold they earn during a match. XP is bought in chunks of 4, and costs 4 gold. You also earn 2 free XP points at the end of each round.

Leveling up is important to the gameplay of TFT because it allows a player to acquire stronger champions and place more champion units on the board, both of which are needed as a player develops their team comp.

How do you win a match of TFT?

All eight players start with 100 health points. When you defeat another player, they lose health points based on how many champions you have remaining, and what round it is. The last player with health points remaining is the winner!

What are champions in TFT?

Champions are the core units that players draft and strategically deploy and enhance to battle against their opponents. These champions are iconic characters from the League of Legends universe, each with their own unique abilities, traits, and stats. In simple terms, champions are a player’s game pieces!

How do you get champions for your team in TFT?

Champions in TFT can be acquired through the in-game shop using gold or by winning rounds and earning them as rewards. Additionally, players will receive a free champion during the carousel phase of most rounds, but these champion units are pulled from the total available pool, so champions taken during the carousel will reduce the number of available units left in the pool for all players.

What are synergies in TFT?

Each champion belongs to a specific class and origin, which determine their synergistic traits. Synergies are activated when a player has a certain number of champions with matching classes or origins on the board, granting significant buffs and bonuses and enhancing the team’s overall performance. Understanding each champion’s abilities, strengths, and synergies is essential for devising effective team compositions

How many Champions are in TFT?

In the current set (8.5) there are 59 unique champions players are able to obtain for their team. The specific champions and number of unique champions can change from set to set. This ensures that players have a vast array of options to experiment with as time goes on, keeping the game fresh and encouraging creativity and strategic thinking.

What are the different game modes in TFT?

The main game mode in TFT is Normals, which is the traditional 8 player format, where players are trying to be the last player with health points remaining.

For a more competitive experience, there is also a Ranked game mode, where winning or losing effects your overall ranking over the course of a set. The goal here is to climb through the rankings, similar to Ranked in League of Legends.

Two additional game modes available in Teamfight Tactics are Hyper Roll, where players start with fewer health points, and Double Up, where players are on a 2 person team with shared heath points.

While a normal game of TFT may take up to half an hour, a game of Hyper Roll usually lasts 10-15 minutes.

Is Teamfight Tactics free to play?

Yes, TFT is free-to-play. While the core gameplay is completely free-to-play, players can spend real world currency on various cosmetics in the in-game store, as well as season passes.

In the store, which is separate from League of Legends store, players can buy cosmetics for their Tactician, which are the player’s in-game avatar. Players can 

Along with Tacticions, players can also buy Arena Skins, which changes the appearance of the board in which the gameplay takes place.

Cosmetic changes to the Tactician and Arena do not have any impact on the actual game play in terms of giving a player an advantage over others. 

The Season Pass runs for the duration of a set, and includes free rewards for all players, and premium rewards for players who have bought the premium pass. 

What platform can I play TFT on?

Teamfight Tactics is available on desktop, for both PC and Mac, as well as on mobile, for both iOS and Android. In addition to this, TFT fully supports crossplay, so you can rank up your account and beat your friends whether you are on desktop or mobile.  

Can I play TFT with my friends?

Yes, you can play TFT with your friends as long as you have them added to your friends list. This list will also show anyone you added as a friend in League of Legends or Wild Rift! Are you looking to find new people to play TFT with? Check out the LFG feature on the Z League App