What the Hell Happened to the Call of Duty Series? Fans Speak Out

Read what Call of Duty fans are really feeling in this passionate post and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are not holding back in a recent Reddit post discussing the downfall of their beloved series. Users express frustration over the lack of innovation, maintenance issues, and general decline in quality.


  • Fans are disappointed in the series’ focus on cash-grabbing, annual releases, and lack of innovation.
  • Issues with campaign quality, zombies experience, and server maintenance are major points of contention.
  • Some users mention a shift in the fanbase and the dilution of the game’s identity over the years.
  • The presence of microtransactions, skill-based matchmaking, and lackluster updates are cited as further reasons for dissatisfaction.

Microtransactions and Decline in Quality

Many fans attribute the series’ decline to the emphasis on microtransactions and the apparent lack of passion from developers. Users lament the shift from a community-driven experience to a profit-driven model, leading to a stagnation in gameplay innovation.

Frustration with Lack of Innovation

Players express disappointment over the repetitive nature of recent releases, highlighting the recycled gameplay mechanics and uninspired campaigns. The sentiment is that the series has lost its charm and originality, becoming a shadow of its former self.

Community Shift and Gaming Landscape

Some fans point out a broader change in the gaming community, where newer players influence the direction of the game, leading to alienation of long-time fans. The sentiment is that the game has strayed from its roots and struggles to find a balance between catering to new audiences and retaining its core fanbase.

Flexibee captures the essence of nostalgia, remarking, ‘It’s hard to know you’re in the good old days when you’re in them. Life gets in the way, you’re not the same person you were, and they aren’t the same games.’