What Happens if All 5 Teammates Go AFK in Valorant? Chaos Ensues!

Discover the chaotic scenarios that unfold when all 5 teammates go AFK in Valorant. Will the game be canceled or will hilarity ensue?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

In Valorant, Trooperboy111 asks the burning question: What happens if all 5 people on one team go AFK and do not spawn? Do the other side win automatically or is the match canceled?


  • AFK chaos in Valorant creates a mix of boredom and amusement for players.
  • Winning due to opponents being AFK leads to unexpected victories and frustration.
  • Players speculate on the outcome of matches with all AFK team members.

Silentcoderx’s Take

Silentcoderx envisions a scenario where the opposing team must endure repetitive game phases, finding humor in the potential tedium.

InstructionGuilty434’s Comment

InstructionGuilty434 amusingly suggests a potential kill streak that a lone player could achieve against an AFK team.

Gusssa’s Experience

Gusssa narrates a personal encounter with an all-AFK enemy team, sharing a confusing victory moment.

JureFlex’s Insight

JureFlex sheds light on the unique gameplay implications of dealing with an all-AFK adversary, recounting a specific in-game scenario.

Immerse yourself in the chaotic world of Valorant where AFK can lead to unexpected outcomes, from boredom to unintentional victories, sparking both frustration and amusement among players.