What Fans Miss from Last Set in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players share their bittersweet memories of the previous set, reminiscing about the music, strategic gameplay, and unique champion interactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players reflect on the nostalgia and longing for elements from the previous set, sharing fond memories of the music, champion interactions, and overall balance. From the sounds of the jazz hyperpop music to the strategic depth of vertical compositions, the sentiment of missing the past resonates within the community.


  • The music and aesthetics from the previous set hold significant sentimental value for many players, creating a cohesive and enjoyable experience.
  • Players express a longing for more diverse and viable composition options, such as vertical comps and unique traits like those found in the previous set.
  • The perceived lack of crowd control and the emphasis on raw stats in the current meta leave some players yearning for the strategic depth of past sets.

Music and Aesthetics

Many players reminisce about the impact of the music and overall aesthetic of the previous set, highlighting how it enhanced their gameplay experience and immersion in TFT.

Composition Variety

Players miss the creative freedom and strategic diversity offered by vertical compositions and unique traits from the previous set, feeling constrained by the current emphasis on raw stat-checking strategies.

Strategic Depth and Meta

The shift away from crowd control and nuanced gameplay mechanics in the current meta has left some players feeling unsatisfied, yearning for the depth and complexity of past sets that allowed for more counterplay and skill expression.

Reflecting on the sentiments shared by TFT players, it’s evident that the nostalgia for the previous set stems from a combination of memorable music, strategic depth, and diverse composition options that offered a more engaging and balanced gameplay experience. As the community looks towards the future updates and sets, there’s hope for a return to the elements that made past iterations of TFT so beloved.

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