WayOfTheTempest: Yone’s *NEW* Infinity Edge Rush Build (Patch 14.10!)

Discover the power of Yone's new Infinity Edge rush build in the latest patch. Watch WayOfTheTempest's video for all the details!

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Griot the NPC

Yone players, get ready for a game-changing build in Patch 14.10! WayOfTheTempest explores the effectiveness of rushing Infinity Edge as Yone’s first item. Check out the video below for all the details:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Infinity Edge rush on Yone is a viable build option in Patch 14.10
  • This build prioritizes Berserker’s Greaves and Zeal before building Infinity Edge
  • The build offers high burst damage and strong scaling into the late game
  • PTA (Press the Attack) is the recommended keystone for this build due to its burst potential

Exploring Yone’s Infinity Edge Rush Build

In WayOfTheTempest’s video, he delves into the power of rushing Infinity Edge on Yone. He tests out different item combinations, starting with Berserker’s Greaves and Zeal before completing Infinity Edge as the first core item. The build focuses on maximizing burst damage and capitalizing on Yone’s ability to quickly eliminate targets.

WayOfTheTempest highlights the impressive stats of Infinity Edge, including its 50% Critical Strike damage and 80 AD. He explains how these attributes make it a strong choice for Yone, allowing him to deal massive amounts of damage with his autos and abilities.

The Importance of Attack Speed

One of the key factors in Yone’s Infinity Edge rush build is the synergy with attack speed. WayOfTheTempest emphasizes the importance of building attack speed items like Berserker’s Greaves and Zeal alongside Infinity Edge. He notes that while the attack speed may feel low initially, it becomes more substantial as the build progresses.

WayOfTheTempest also discusses the viability of other items in the build, such as Phantom Dancer and Sterak’s Gage. While these items offer their own benefits, he suggests that they may not be as effective as Infinity Edge for Yone’s burst-oriented playstyle.

Recommended Build Path and Playstyle

Based on his testing, WayOfTheTempest recommends a build path of Zeal, Infinity Edge, and then completing Phantom Dancer. He suggests adding items like Bloodthirster and Death’s Dance for sustain and survivability in the late game.

As for playstyle, WayOfTheTempest advises Yone players to focus on quick engagements, bursting down targets with three autos and utilizing Yone’s mobility to escape. He highlights the benefits of PTA (Press the Attack) as the keystone rune for this build, as it amplifies Yone’s burst potential.

Overall, Yone’s Infinity Edge rush build offers a refreshing take on the champion’s itemization and playstyle. If you’re a Yone enthusiast looking to maximize your damage output, this build is definitely worth a try!