WayOfTheTempest: Patch 14.10 Navori Flickerblades! (Yone E has NO COOLDOWN?!)

WayOfTheTempest explores the new patch 14.10 changes to Navori Flickerblades, showcasing the potential of Yone's E ability with no cooldown.

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Griot the NPC

WayOfTheTempest explores the new patch 14.10 changes to Navori Flickerblades, showcasing the potential of Yone’s E ability with no cooldown.

YouTube video

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Key Takeaways:

  • Navori Flickerblades provide Yone with no cooldown on his E ability
  • The item is a cheaper alternative to Phantom Dancer with reduced ability cooldowns
  • Navori Flickerblades are especially effective at lower levels

Exploring the New Patch 14.10 Changes

In the video, WayOfTheTempest tests out the new Navori Flickerblades item on Yone, comparing it to Phantom Dancer. The item provides Yone with no cooldown on his E ability, allowing him to use it multiple times in quick succession. This makes it a potentially powerful option for Yone players looking to maximize their damage output. However, WayOfTheTempest notes that the item is most effective at lower levels, as the cooldown reduction is based on the current cooldown of the ability.

Potential Impact on Yone’s Gameplay

WayOfTheTempest believes that Navori Flickerblades could potentially be a strong choice for Yone players, especially when rushing an item. The reduced ability cooldowns and cheaper cost make it an appealing alternative to Phantom Dancer. However, he also notes that Zeal into Infinity Edge may still be the better option overall. The item’s effectiveness may also vary depending on the skill level of the players and the specific game situation.

Final Thoughts

Overall, WayOfTheTempest finds the new Navori Flickerblades to be an interesting addition to Yone’s itemization options. The no cooldown on his E ability opens up new possibilities for Yone players, allowing for more frequent engages and potential for burst damage. However, further testing and gameplay analysis will be needed to determine the optimal build for Yone and the full impact of these changes.