WayOfTheTempest: Patch 14.10 Item YUN TAL WILDARROWS on Yone! (Does it replace Infinity Edge?!)

In his latest video, WayOfTheTempest tests out the new YUN TAL WILDARROWS item on Yone and determines if it can replace Infinity Edge.

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Griot the NPC

In his latest video, WayOfTheTempest tests out the new YUN TAL WILDARROWS item on Yone and determines if it can replace Infinity Edge.

YouTube video

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Key Takeaways:

  • The YUN TAL WILDARROWS item provides crit and causes critical strikes to bleed.
  • WayOfTheTempest believes that the new item is not as good as Infinity Edge.
  • He finds the item to be fun but ultimately inferior to IE.

Is YUN TAL WILDARROWS a Replacement for Infinity Edge?

In his video, WayOfTheTempest tests out the YUN TAL WILDARROWS item on Yone to see if it can replace Infinity Edge in his build. The item provides crit and causes critical strikes to bleed. However, WayOfTheTempest believes that the new item is not as good as Infinity Edge. He finds that the bleed effect is not as impactful as the pure damage provided by IE. While the item may be fun to use, he ultimately concludes that it is inferior to Infinity Edge and not worth building.


The YUN TAL WILDARROWS item is a new addition to the game that offers crit and a bleed effect on critical strikes. WayOfTheTempest tests the item in a game and showcases its effects. He notes that while the bleed effect looks cool, it is not as effective as the pure damage from Infinity Edge. He emphasizes that the bleed is a damage over time effect, which is generally not as strong as burst damage. Overall, WayOfTheTempest does not recommend building this item over Infinity Edge.

Based on his testing, WayOfTheTempest concludes that the YUN TAL WILDARROWS item is not a viable replacement for Infinity Edge. He believes that the pure damage provided by IE is superior to the bleed effect of the new item. While the YUN TAL WILDARROWS item may be fun to experiment with, he advises sticking with Infinity Edge for optimal damage output on Yone.