WASD vs Traditional Keybinds: The Diablo Community Weighs In

Do the WASD keybinds make sense in Diablo or traditional keybinds should prevail? We unpack the Reddit debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

What’s the fuss about WASD keybinds in a game like Diablo? One player, ‘Lyioux’, has aired these doubts on a subreddit thread. The user, a seasoned player of ARPGs since Diablo 2, has always found click-to-move a sensible control choice for these games. However, transitioning to the WASD set up? They’re not too sure about that.


  • Opinions vary with some arguing WASD allows for more precision and alleviates stutter-stepping, whilst others question the practicality and efficiency of WASD.
  • Several Diablo players propose alternative solutions including key-binding abilities to the mouse or supplementing controls with a MMO-type mouse.
  • Some are content with traditional ARPG controls and don’t see the need for change.
  • While options are good, the overall sentiment of this discussion leans somewhat towards skepticism regarding the WASD setup in Diablo.


Let’s start with the defenses of the WASD setup. ‘Andrey-d’ explains that WASD offers a comfort and precision that can be missing in traditional setups. ‘Andrey-d’ says WASD mitigates the need for frantic back and forth cursor movements when controlling a ranged character – something they’ve struggled with.

‘Cowdog_Gaming’ sees WASD as a way that could ‘alleviate the stutter step click-fest’ that PC users often encounter. Meanwhile, ‘vFoxxc’ proposes the use of a mouse with 4 side buttons to complement WASD.


Not everyone is hyped about the change though. ‘Jakabov’ wonders about the sheer mechanical feasibility of WASD, questioning the direction of movements and the precision required for the game. ‘GuiltyExcitement7952’ has similar worries, remarking in a humorous tone that Diablo players would need to use their feet to effectively utilize a WASD setup!

On the other hand, ‘SepticKnave39’ brings an interesting perspective calling it unessential to change if someone has mastered traditional ARPG controls and is comfortable with them.

The Middle Ground

There’s a section of the community that believes in the ‘to each their own’ mantra. ‘angrybobs’ doesn’t quite ‘get it’ but respects that everyone has their personal preferences.

‘Hazywater’ appreciates the added option of WASD in Diablo, even though they’d probably stick to their current setup. Because at the end of the day, who doesn’t love having options, right?

We’ve walked through the charms and challenges of WASD keybinds in the Diablo world. You might be a vivacious WASD supporter or a devout follower of traditional controls. And that is okay. After all, the beauty lies not only in figuring out the game controls, but gaming itself.