Warzone Woes: Account Hacked, Perm Ban Drama, and Activision’s Troubles

Warzone player battles with hacked account and unjustified permaban, facing off against Activision's customer service.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dealing with a hacked Warzone account can be an absolute nightmare. For one redditor, the struggle intensified as they found themselves permabanned despite not being responsible for the account at the time. The frustration is palpable, and the criticisms against Activision are cutting.


  • Activision’s handling of hacked accounts and bans under scrutiny.
  • Community reflects on the company’s customer service shortcomings.
  • Players share tips on navigating bans and regaining access.

Outrage at Activision

Players are outraged by Activision’s lackluster response to hacked accounts and subsequent bans. The inability to differentiate between legitimate players and hackers is a recurring issue, leading to unwarranted bans.

Customer Service Woes

Comments point to Activision’s poor customer service reputation, with users highlighting the company’s indifference towards player issues. The consensus is that the quality of both the product and customer support is subpar.

Community Support

Amid the frustration, fellow players offer support and advice. From contacting consumer protection agencies to persistence in dealing with Activision, the community rallies behind the affected player.

Dealing with a hacked account in Warzone is more than just a technical challenge—it’s a battle against a system that often fails to protect its players. The frustrations voiced in this reddit thread shed light on the darker side of the gaming industry, where player trust and satisfaction hang in the balance.