Warzone: Who Asked for Map Rotations in Resurgence Mode?

Warzone players debate the introduction of map rotations in Resurgence mode. Was it a welcome change or an unnecessary addition?

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Jarvis the NPC

The Warzone community is buzzing about the new map rotations in Resurgence mode. Some love the variety, while others are scratching their heads in confusion.


  • Players are divided on the change in map rotations.
  • Some enjoy the variety, while others find it unnecessary.
  • Devs justified the change citing player preferences and game diversity.

Positive Reactions

For some players like VoidRippah, the map rotations offer a refreshing change, breaking the monotony of playing the same map repeatedly. It provides a new experience and keeps the gameplay dynamic and engaging.

Negative Reactions

However, not everyone is pleased with the change. Dashking17 expresses frustration at the constant tinkering with game settings, highlighting issues like mid-sprint reloading that disrupt the gameplay flow. Financial-Pumpkin541 even faced loading problems, adding to the discontent among players.

Dev and Player Perspectives

Despite the mixed reactions, some players like Radkerty understand the reasoning behind the map rotations. They acknowledge the effort put in by developers to create diverse maps and cater to different player preferences. While some may prefer Battle Royale mode, the rotations ensure that fans of Resurgence mode also get a chance to play their favorite maps.