Warzone: What Guns Are Considered Meta Right Now?

Discover the current top-rated weapons in the Warzone meta and why players are loving or criticizing them.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the latest buzz in Warzone’s weapon meta? Let’s delve into what the community is raving about.


  • Players prioritize personal performance over perceived meta.
  • SOA Subverter and MCW with JAK conversion kit are popular picks.
  • Zomb’s AMP for BP50 potentially shaping short-range battles.
  • Diverse preferences exist with choices like Kastov 762 still holding strong.

Player Preferences

OmniWizardTigerBlood emphasizes players’ success with personally favored weapons over following the general meta trend. This sentiment aligns with Nibor0113’s choice to stick with the Kastov 762, showcasing a preference for individual playstyle over meta pressures.

Weapon Recommendations

Ok-Bag3000 provides a detailed breakdown of ranged and close-quarter combat options, including the MORS sniper and HRM for different scenarios. Tiiimmmaayy boosts the MCW’s prowess with a conversion kit, comparing it favorably to the Renetti pre-nerf, highlighting its versatile role as sniper support.

Community Insights

Factdropmedia sheds light on the evolving meta, mentioning the rise of Zomb’s AMP for BP50 in short-range engagements, demonstrating how new additions can reshape weapon dynamics. MarsCowboys opts for a unique loadout featuring the crossbow with thermite bolts and RPG, showcasing creative approaches to combat.

Whether players adhere to established meta choices or forge their path with personal favorites, Warzone’s weapon landscape continues to evolve, offering a diverse range of strategies for players to explore and master.