Warzone vs. Apex Legends – Which Game Reigns Supreme?

In the battle of Warzone vs. Apex Legends, which game truly shines? Reddit users share their thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are buzzing with opinions on the game’s current state. Some are suggesting a switch to Apex Legends due to its new season and enticing features. The debate is on fire!


  • Players find Apex Legends more challenging and rewarding than Warzone
  • The anti-cheat measures and gameplay variety in Apex are major draws
  • Warzone’s shortcomings, such as movement and weapon balance, are a cause for concern
  • The community vibe and overall gameplay experience in both games are key considerations

TimmyTankz90: Apex is Infinitely Better

“Apex is infinitely better. Aim assist is strong but there are many ways to outsmart AA in apex. Warzone? Nah, the 0.20 KD Billy is gonna kill you if you get within 10 meters of his aim assist.”

dzdxs: Firing Range Comparison

“‘A functional firing range’ YES! Always remember how surprisingly basic the Warzone firing range was when I tried it after coming from Apex legends. That’s when I knew Apex was better.”

This_is_Me888: Not Impressed with Apex

“Apex is also trash.”

twaggle: Critiques on Apex

“Movement feels horrible. Gun fights feel like pee shooters. It’s a camp fest. Higher skill gap isn’t really a good thing for casuals trying to play a new game lol.”