Warzone Update Woes: Devs Striking Again?

Players in the Warzone community are fed up with the latest update glitches and issues, causing frustration and contemplating deleting the app.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Warzone community is in an uproar over the latest update that seems to be causing more harm than good. It’s like the devs are playing a twisted game of ‘break it first, fix it later.’ The reload glitch has pushed players to their breaking point, with some considering drastic measures like deleting the app entirely.


  • Players frustrated with ongoing issues post-update
  • Reload glitch a major point of contention
  • Some players considering quitting the game

Reload Glitch Woes

Players are expressing their frustration with the reload glitch, which prevents them from tactical sprinting and reloading simultaneously. This limitation significantly impacts gameplay and has led to many heated discussions within the community.

Debating Game Retention

Some players, like GxCrabGrow, have drastically reduced their playtime due to the recent update issues. The mention of ‘helldivers’ suggests a shift in focus to other games until the Warzone experience improves.

Farewell to Warzone?

Comments like ‘Delete it then’ and ‘kbye’ reflect the exasperation and disappointment felt by some players. The sense of resignation is palpable, with MapleSyrupLover_ bluntly labeling the problem as a ‘skill issue.’

Community Response

Despite the criticisms, there are still players offering humorous responses like ‘Ok. see you tomorrow!’ indicating a mix of resignation and hope for future updates to address the current issues.