Warzone: The Unforgiving Quest for Sally Pistols

Delve into the chaotic world of Warzone as players debate the elusive game modes for acquiring Sally Pistols!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are on a wild goose chase to uncover the mystery behind obtaining Sally Pistols from chests. Heard conflicting reports on which game modes hold the key. Is there an official event page to shed light on this?


  • Players delve into different game modes for Sally Pistols, all claiming to hold the elusive weapons.
  • Conflicting reports stir confusion among players, raising questions about the authenticity of information shared.
  • The quest for Sally Pistols leads players to scour different locations within the game, hoping for a stroke of luck.

Players in Disarray

As Shadow_Viper raises the issue of the ambiguous game modes required to secure Sally Pistols, the Warzone community finds itself in disarray. The conflicting reports only add fuel to the fire, leaving players uncertain about the path to follow. The absence of a clear official statement exacerbates the confusion, forcing players to rely on hearsay and trial and error.

The Hunt for Sally

Alternative_Pop6337’s insight into the pistols being dropped in-game sparks a glimmer of hope among players. The act of helping others throughout the day showcases the camaraderie within the community, despite the shared struggle to pinpoint the exact game modes conducive to finding Sally Pistols.

Ambiguity Reigns

telly10k’s mention of Sally Pistols potentially being exclusive to resurgence mode adds a layer of complexity to the quest. The specific locations like showers and stronghold being highlighted as potential spots for discovery sends players on a scavenger hunt within the game, hoping to stumble upon the coveted weapons.

The chaotic search for Sally Pistols continues to grip the Warzone community, with players navigating through a maze of uncertainty in their pursuit of this elusive prize. The quest, fueled by conflicting information and a lack of official guidance, tests the resilience and determination of players as they embark on an adventure riddled with challenges and surprises.