Warzone: The Quest for the Nuke in Call of Duty

Join the chaos and excitement as gamers chase the elusive nuke in Warzone. Will they ever succeed?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players embark on a challenging journey, striving to achieve the coveted nuke in the intense battle royale of Call of Duty. From thrilling successes to frustrating glitches, the quest for the nuke is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and epic moments. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussions to uncover the highs and lows of this exhilarating pursuit.


  • Players face glitches and setbacks in their quest for the nuke.
  • The excitement of nearing the completion of the contract is palpable.
  • Some players share strategies and tips to achieve success.

V3NOMous__: The Elusive Nuke

V3NOMous__ expresses disbelief at not witnessing a successful nuke yet, reflecting the rarity of this achievement in Warzone.

BusLocal2816: Glitches and Frustrations

BusLocal2816 recounts a frustrating glitch that caused weapon disappearance, highlighting the technical challenges players face in pursuing the nuke.

_khanivore: Unfinished Business

<p_khanivore shares a tense moment where a team came close to achieving the nuke, only to be thwarted before knowing the outcome, adding to the suspense of the quest.

NewbieSniper: Strategic Insights

NewbieSniper emphasizes the importance of utilizing scanners to enhance gameplay and increase the chances of securing the nuke, offering valuable advice to fellow players.