Warzone: Snipers vs. Machine Guns – Community Sentiments

Is Warzone too sweaty with machine guns? See what Redditors have to say about shifting the meta back to snipers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are divided over the dominance of machine guns, longing for a return to a sniper-focused meta. The sentiment seems split, with some embracing the challenge and others frustrated with the current state of the game.


  • Community debates shifting meta to snipers
  • Players express frustration with machine gun dominance
  • Some suggest improving sniper gameplay, others advocate for adapting strategies

Response to Machine Guns

Many players feel that machine guns are making the game too difficult, leading to a sense of frustration and challenge. Some argue that adapting to this meta is essential for growth as a player, suggesting that the issue lies more with individual skill levels than game balance.

Embracing the Challenge

On the other hand, some players see the dominance of machine guns as an exciting challenge, pushing them to improve their skills and adapt their strategies. They view the competitive environment as an opportunity for personal growth and development.

Optimizing Sniper Gameplay

Several Redditors propose enhancing sniper gameplay rather than nerfing machine guns. They believe that boosting snipers to a more viable state could balance the meta and provide a more diverse gameplay experience for all players.

Overall, the Warzone community’s discussions reflect a desire for a balanced and engaging gameplay experience. Whether through improving sniper mechanics or adapting strategies, players are exploring various avenues to enhance their gaming experience.